Processing of samples and data obtained during field work (IFREMER).
2019-02-22 13:43:02
Modelling marine litter
Field experiments carried out by INTECMAR to measure the drift of floating items with buoys
2019-02-22 13:40:14
Assessing the impact of marine litter
Experiments carried out by CEDRE
o Artificially smoking cigarettes for ecotoxicological experiments,
o Experiments to assess the degradation of cotton buds on the field.
2019-02-22 13:38:07
Awareness raising activities
Awareness-raising activities carried out in the project (looking for marine litter items on a box full of beach sand).
2019-02-22 13:16:03
Monitoring floating marine litter
Testing drones from vessels and deploying equipment to sample floating litter (field work carried out by ARDITI)
2018-03-21 10:22:18
Abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) in marine areas