CleanAtlantic Viewer

Welcome to the CleanAtlantic viewer. This interactive map shows the results obtained in the assessment of the marine litter status in the Atlantic Area. Click on the buttons "Beach", "Floating", or "Seabed" to see the results associated to each individual compartment. This work was carried out by CEFAS, CEDRE, IEO and IFREMER in the frame of the CleanAtlantic project. The reports behind these data are available on the following link:

Beach Litter

The beach litter assessment was done over four years, from 2016 to 2019, with data sourced from the OSPAR database. The beaches considered have at least 8 surveys out of the 16 available and they are identified with a circle. The area of the circle is proportional to the density of the litter on that beach. The colour scale is also used to express this. Click on the circles to see the time evolution of the litter and its composition (top 5) in every beach. Density is expressed as the number of items per 100 m, it was calculated as the median of the data available in the sampling period considered.

Floating Litter

The results of the floating litter assessment are shown per ICES cell. Data are rendered using a colour scale to represent average densities (number of items per square km), the darker the colour the higher the density. Click on the cells to see: time series, histograms of the litter density (i.e. number of surveys in which a certain density of litter was recorded), and pie charts with main types of litter found. Data were recorded in different oceanographic surveys performed by IEO (Iberian peninsula) and IFREMER (France).

Seabed Litter

The results of the seabed litter assessment are shown per ICES cell. The original data, which were obtained from the ICES database, were processed to obtain probabilities of presence of litter in each cell. The results were rendered using a colour scale, the darker the colour the higher the probability (P) of finding seabed litter on that area. P values range from 0 (no presence of litter ever recorded on that area) to 1 (litter recorded in every survey carried out on that cell). Click on the cells to see: time series (changes of probability over time) and histograms (i.e. the number of surveys in which a certain probability of presence of litter was calculated).


This site shows the results of part of the activities implemented with the financial assistance of the INTERREG Atlantic Area Programme (2014-2020) in the frame of the CleanAtlantic project (2017-2021). It only reflects the authors’ view, thus the Programme authorities are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
