New postdoctoral position in the Marine Institute

The Marine institute is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher on Ocean Modelling.
The successful candidate will work within the Oceanographic Services team as a Postdoctoral Researcher, with main responsibility for delivering modelling products and services for the following projects:
- Interreg VA project COMPASS (Collaborative Oceanography for Marine Protected Areas and Species)
- Interreg Atlantic Area CleanAtlantic (Tackling marine litter in the Atlantic Area)
The successful candidate will be responsible for providing numerical modelling for the above projects and will work closely with international partners. Specifically, the candidate will contribute to the development of regional Duranand coastal scale hydrodynamic models for the purpose of supporting the delivery of Marine Strategy Framework Directive descriptors.
For more information please visit the link in the Marine Institute website.
Closing date: 22nd May