MEDCOAST 2019: The 14th International MEDCOAST Congress on Coastal and Marine Sciences, Engineering, Management & Conservation

The MEDCOAST congress in Marmaris (Turkey) is the fourteenth event of the biennial series that was started in 1993 for contributing to coastal and marine sciences, engineering, management and conservation particularly in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.
Similar to the past thirteenth events, the technical program of the second Marmaris congress will include an opening and keynote session, thematic parallel sessions for oral presentations, several special sessions, a poster session and the closing session, in which the second Marmaris Declaration will be reviewed and endorsed by the participants and the best poster winners will be announced and awarded. The Marmaris congress will also have a rich social program including a half-day cultural tour and a full-day technical trip to Köyceğiz – Dalyan Delta.
Among the Congress topics, “Marine litter & solid waste management” is included in the thematics on Coastal management issues.
The MEDCOAST 19 international congress, will be held in Marmaris, Turkey on the 22 – 26 October 2019.