CleanAtlantic 4th Coordination Meeting

The CleanAtlantic consortium met in Vigo (Spain) on the 7th and 8th of May to host the 4th Coordination Meeting. The meeting consisted of a 2-day event in which partners reviewed and discussed the progress on activities and tasks to achieve the project objectives. The meeting was held in the CETMAR facilities and was co-organised by CETMAR and USC.
Several discussion groups were coupled to the meeting during both days:
Discussions groups, day 1:
- WP5: Monitoring and data management
- WP6: Modelling and mapping of marine litter
- WP4: Participation in the publication Mare Plasticum book
Discussions groups, day 2:
- WP4: Marine litter in the Atla ntic Area
- WP5; INSPIRE & CleanAtlantic
- Summary of discussions