CleanAtlantic Workshop: Marine litter: From a global environmental challenge to a job creation driver

The cleanAtlantic project in collaboration with OceanWise, ML-Style, and LitterDrone projects is organising the Workshop “Marine litter: From a global environmental challenge to a job creation driver” in the frame of the 5th Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conferencethat will be held in Vigo on the 24th October, from 11.00 am to 12.30 pm. These projects deal with a wide range of topics relevant to address marine litter challenges such as monitoring, mapping of hotspots, removal, recycling & circular economy and stakeholder involvement.
The Workshop will demonstrate the strong need to join and make the best use of private and public actors and turn these forces into an efficient multi stakeholder involvement that tackles the environmental problems turning them into opportunities of blue growth, new careers and job creation.
Through project presentations and a participatory approach, technological and knowledge gaps that deserve additional collaborative work and joint actions will be identified.
Moderator: Ms Marisa Fernández, Head of the Control and Management of Marine Environment & Resources Department, CETMAR
Ms Patricia Pérez: Project Manager, Fundación CETMAR, CleanAtlantic
Mr Fernando Martín: Professor of E.T.S.I.T. of Vigo University¸ LitterDrone
Mr Gabriel Gómez: Managing Director of Marine Instruments, the Ocean Cleanup
Mr Carlos León: Founding partner of SUSTAINABILITY INNOVATION, S.L., OceanWise
Mr Carlos Botana: Head of Sustainability and Development Policies, Port of Vigo, ML Style
Conference and Workshops Registration here