Coastal Futures Conferences

Coastal Futures Conferences will take place on January 23rd & 24th 2019 and will by host by the Royal Geographical Society, Kensington, London
The Coastal Futures 2019 programme includes:
The Environment Bill, environmental principles and watch dog
The 25 year Plan – implementation in the marine environment
Brexit latest & its implications for the coastal & marine environment
Social Capital and the marine pioneers; the developing role of social sciences
Charting new initiatives and visions for coastal governance & management
Communities, health and well-being
Adaptation at the Coast & Climate Change & Restoring coastal habitats
Natural Capital, Net Gain and Economic importance of UK marine industry
Offshore wind development and addressing the environmental issues
What future for wave & tidal renewables?
Plastics Pollution – How do you respond?
Communicating Environmental Issues – Social media – Understanding audiences
Protecting the World’s Oceans last frontiers – the high seas and deep seas
The framework for marine protection & management – meeting our international commitments
Marine Spatial Planning: perspectives, practice and information: England, Scotland and Isle of Man
Effective engagement with stakeholders, building networks & understanding
The Fisheries Bill & Brexit replacing the CFP – Will the fundamentals change? Perspectives
Quota allocation, ownership & the inshore fleet, The Seafood Industry & Environmental Protection
Can we have Sustainable scallop fisheries? IFCAs Update
Marine Protected Areas & Fisheries – What should be our vision for the future?
The whole site approach – Marine Parks – Practice in austerity – Recovery
Networking & Presentations with 58 speakers providing the most comprehensive briefing of the year
Coastal Futures 2019 provides:-
- Strong perspectives – from key stakeholders and industry leaders, who take a proactive approach to the sustainability agenda in the coastal and marine environment
- Reviews – from acknowledged experts in many subjects
- Future trends – pointers to future areas of activity which will directly affect your work
- Networking – an excellent opportunity to meet those at the forefront of these issues – all speakers will be asked to remain in the hall after their presentation to facilitate networking
Coastal Futures 2019 sets out to:-
- Deliberately bring together different sectors to discuss important developments and concerns
- Describe the actual changes that are causing concern and actions being taken to deal with these
- Describe the developing programme of policy and management which is unfolding to meet these concerns
- Produce a high level of information via social media from the conference Twitter: #CoastalFutures19
More information here.