EU Water Innovation Conference 2019

The European Commission, DG Environment, in cooperation with the Government of Aragon announce that the EU Water Innovation Conference 2019: Accelerating action to tackle water pollution and enhance EU preparedness to water-related climate change impacts (#EUWIC) will take place on 12 December 2019 in Zaragoza, Spain. The full-day conference will include four thematic sessions, and back-to-back events will take place on 11 and 13 December.
The Conference aims to raise awareness about the need and urgency to improve water management across the European Union towards a water-smart society, take stock of key European Commission’s findings based on the 2019 Fitness Check of EU Water Law and promote exchange of best practices and innovative approaches at technical, governance and policy levels.
Aragon Regional Government uses the SDG «Clean Water and Sanitation» as the driving force for regional growth. This EUWIC event gives continuity to the legacy of the International Exhibition in 2008 on «Water and Sustainable Development» and the UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication (UNW-DPAC) hosted in Zaragoza between 2005-2015.
Registration for the conference will start in June 2019. If you are interested in organising a back-to-back event under the umbrella of the conference, please contact us at .
Source of information here.