CleanAtlantic will participate in the 10th International Conference of Marine BioInvasions

The 10th International Conference of Marine BioInvasions (ICMB-X) will be held in Puerto Madryn in Patagonia, Argentina, between the 16-18 October 2018.
CleanAtlantic will be presented by João Canning-Clode (our partner from ARDITI) in an oral communication titled «Hitch-hikers on marine debris: understanding new arrivals in an offshore island». For this work, ARDITI recently initiated a research program to evaluate marine debris as a possible vector for introduction of NIS to Madeira Island (NE Atlantic) by engaging and establishing a cooperation protocol with stakeholders (e.g. fishermen, dive operators and whale and bird watching companies).
To read more about the event and the program, please visit the link.