A Dutch start-up The SME is looking for a partner to process the fish nets to granulates for making new products

A Dutch start-up developed a state of the art technology to remove the plastic waste from the high seas. This year the company will launch a system to collect floating plastic debris from the Pacific Garbage Patch. The material that will be collected will be 50 % of High Density Polyethylene fish nets and 50 % of rigid plastics. The SME is looking for a partner to work in the frame of manufacturing agreement to process the fish nets to granulates that can be used for making new products.
«The company was founded 2013 and is focussed to develop technologies to remove plastic waste from the oceans. In 2018 the first clean up system is scheduled to start operating and therefore they expect to land ocean plastic waste that requires to be processed in the second half of 2018. The SME have identified that 50 % of the material is High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)fish nets and are looking for a partner that would be able to process the fish net material to granulates that could be used to manufacture new products.
The SME is looking for partners that eventually could toll process pre-sorted fishnets including shredding-, washing-, pre-compounding and compounding with additives. Eventually the partner company should be able to process material from 10 tons up to thousands of tons per annum. It is expected that the SME will gradually scale up the quantities over a 2 years period. The partner must agree on toll processing with a transparent pricing mechanism and following the environmental and health and safety requirements of the ordering party. The SME will provide the material to be processed and legally holds the ownership of the endmaterial and is willing to operate in the frame of a manufacturing agreement.»
Current Stage of development Exploitation of RTD results Intellectual property rights
Organisation type Current and potential domain of application
The partner should be able to: – Process pre-sorted fishnets including the shredding, washing, pre-compounding and compounding with additives.; – Must be able to scale up production from 10 tons to thousands of tons per annum; – must agree on toll processing with a transparent pricing mechanism.
Read more http://www.galacteaplus.es/servicios/detalleOriginal.asp?conexion=TRNL20180219001