CleanAtlantic will participate in the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Forum

On the 6-7 february 2020, CleanAtlantic will be presented by our colleagues from CRPM in the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Forum, which will be organised by the European Commission in Brussels. The objective of this event is to shape the future of the All-Atlantic Ocean Research, to network and join leading political and ocean leaders including youth, researchers, entrepreneurs, academics and the civil society.
The Forum will define the new strategic direction and political ambitions for the Alliance, which was launched with the signings of the European Union – United States – Canada Galway Statement in 2013, and the European Union – Brazil – South Africa Belém Statement in 2017. The Forum will define how the Alliance will deliver on the European Green Deal, the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, the Horizon Europe Mission Healthy Oceans, Seas, Coastal and Inland Waters, and a just transition to a healthy ocean and a climate neutral planet.
The Forum, which is part of the international dimension of the updated EU Atlantic Maritime Strategy, will also be the occasion to launch the All-Atlantic Ocean Youth Ambassadors Forum.
More information in the link.