La Mer XXI- L’Exposition
From June 29th to July 10th 2019, the city of Nantes will be home of a “universal exhibition of the sea”, La mer XXL
The Ouest-France group (one of the leading press groups in Europe) and Exponantes, organisers of exhibitions and trade shows (more than 600,000 visitors per year) have joined forces to develop a unique exhibition project focusing on the maritime world.
Like the exhibition of the XXst century, the idea is to enthrall, surprise and delight,communicate and encourage adventure and escape.This extraordinary event will take place at the Parc des Expositions in Nantes over 12 days, with 66,000 sqm of exhibition (with 38,000 sqm covered) and 100,000 visitors expected.
The objective of “La mer XXL” is to build a lively, spectacular and instructive exhibition, combining industry, art, technology, magnitude, immersion… following in the footsteps of a 21st century Captain Nemo.
The sea source of energy
The sea offers a winning cocktail of energy-specific alternatives, responsible for CO2 pollution, global warming, rising water and ocean acidification. This goes from fixed or floating wind turbines to submerged turbines taking advantage of marine currents, by way of the solar energy stored on the barges or the thermal energy by exchanges between the heat of the surface and the cold of the depths.
The sea that makes us happy
More than 60% of the world population lives near the coast. Even if this growing flow must be followed as much as possible in order to respect others and the environment, it contributes to the well-being of the populations. Whether for swimming or to contemplate, the sea provides a great feeling of happiness. It is a space of leisure activities, pleasure, sport and a benefit for mental and body health.
The sea that feeds us
We will soon be 9 billion people on our planet. Humanity is justifiably concerned about the quantity and quality of its alimentation, as the Planet and the animals that feed on it have been overexploited and ill-treated. The sea is a durable and quality solution if we do not reproduce “land” errors. There are sea weed of course, a true response in terms of protein. And all the products of the sea, in wild catching or fish-breeding which are as many answers to the great stakes of overpopulation.
The sea that makes us dream
In Jules Verne’s town, what could be more natural than dreaming about the sea? The universe of the “ machines de l’île ” based in Nantes or the “ carrousel des mondes marins “ invites to the reverie. The sea combines all the arts, from painting to writing, from photography to cinema, not to mention music and songs. And now, many boats are even flying ! We can see them and find all these universes in Exponantes. What could be more delightful than dreaming!
The sea that treats us
Thanks to the research, the sea is gradually revealing new health solutions. The hopes of marine biotechnology combined with bio-resources are enormous. Every day are discovered new marine organisms with properties worthy of science fiction films are discovered. Clinical trials of painkillers or anti-cancer drugs from marine molecules are already very promising. The pharmacy of tomorrow is in the sea.
The sea that makes us live
An OECD report says that the turnover of the maritime economy will double by 2030, as will the number of jobs in the sector. In France, this represents 70 billion euros and 300,000 jobs (excluding tourism). Today, 90% of goods transport is done by sea, 95% of the Internet and global communications go through submarine cables. The sea is undoubtedly the future of humanity, but also a formidable creator of values and jobs.
The sea to preserve
The oceans account for 71% of the world’s surface. The environmental future of our planet is therefore intimately linked to the protection of the sea, its fauna and its flora. One of the main dangers that threatens it is another sea, that of heavy metals and billions of plastic waste that rivers have been vomiting for too many years. The earth climate is also intimately linked to that of the sea, and its warming is a deadly poison to the oceans.